Krell Industries Audio + Video Standard Surround Preamp/Processor ReturnAuthorization Procedure

Models: Audio + Video Standard Surround Preamp/Processor

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ReturnAuthorization Procedure


ffyou believe there is a problemwith your component,pleasecontact your dealer, dis- tributor, or the ~IP factory to discussthe problembefore youreturn the componentfor

repair. Toexpediteservice, yo maywishto u

complete and e-mail the Service Request Formon our websiteat wwvckrel/

To return a productto KrelP, pleasefol- low this procedureso that wemayserve youbetter:

1.Obtain a Return Authorization Number

(R/A number)andshipping addressfrom the Krell®ServiceDepartment.

2.Insureandacceptall liability for loss or

damageto the product during shipment


to the Krell factory andprepayall ship- ping charges. Theproduct mayalso be handdelivered if arrangementswith the Service Departmenthave been madein advance. Proof of purchase may be required for warrantyvalidation at the timeof handdelivery.

3.Usethe original packagingto insure the safetransit of the productto the factory, dealer, or distributor. Theuse of any packagingmaterial other than the origi-

nal packagingmaterials is not recom- mendedKrell. ®may,at its discretion, return a product in newpackagingand

bill the ownerfor suchpackagingif the productreceivedby Krell®wasboxedin non-standardpackagingor if the original

packaging wasso damagedthatit was unusable.If Krell ®determinesthat new packagingis required, the ownerwill be notified beforethe productis returned.To purchase-additional packaging,please

contactyourauthorizedKrell®dealer,dis- tributor, or the Krell®ServiceDepartment for assistance.

Krell ®is not responsible for any damage


incurredin transit. Krell will file claimsfor damagesas necessary for products dam- agedin transit to the factory. Theowneris responsiblefor filing claims for shipping damagesthat occur during the return ship- ment.

Replacementparts and/or products will be furnished on an exchangebasis only; any parts and/orproductsreturnedto Krell®for


exchangebecomethe property of Krell

Noexpressedor implied warranty is made for any Krell®productdamagedby accident, abuse,misuse,natural or personaldisaster, or unauthorizedmodification.


In the eventKrell receivesa productfor war- ranty service whichhasbeenmodifiedin any waywithout Krell ®authorization, all war- rantiesonthat productwill bevoid, Theprod- uct will bereturnedto original factory layout specifications at the owner'sexpensebefore it is repaired.All repairs requiredafter the producthasbeenreturnedto original factory specificationwill bechargedto the customer, at currentparts andlabor rates.

To contact the Krell ®ServiceDe~artment

TEL 203-799-9954


9:00 AMto 5:00 PMEST

FAX 203-799-9796

E-MAIL krell

Audio+ VideoStandard


~'~ register yourproductfor warrantybenefits,

completeandreturn the WarrantyRegistration Card enclosed in the shipping box within 15

days of purchase.


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Krell Industries Audio + Video Standard Surround Preamp/Processor manual ReturnAuthorization Procedure