KrelPwarrantsthis productto be free from defects in material or workmanshipfor a periodof five yearsfor circuitry fromtheorig- inal dateof purchaseShould.this productfail to performat anytime during the warranty,
Krell will repair~ at no cost to the owner, exceptas set fo~h in this warranty.Transfer
of warrantyto a secondowneroccurs auto- matically. Pleasecontact Krell®to havethe nameon the warrantychanged.Transfer of warrantydoesnot extendthe duration of the original warrantyperiod.
This warranty does not apply to damage causedby acts of Godor nature.
The warranty period begins on the date of retail purchase~asnotedonthe retail sales slip providedby an authorizedKrell®dealer or distributor, or onthe warrantyregistration cardsent to Krell®.In the eventthat anade- quateproof of purchasedate is unavailable, the warrantyperiodwill beginonthe datethe productwasoriginally shippedfromthe fac- tory. Thewarrantydescribedin this para- graphshall be in lieu of anyother warranty, expressor implied, including, but not limited to, anyimpliedwarrantyof merchantabilityor fitness for a particular purposeThere.are no warranties which exceed beyond those describedin this documentIf. this product doesnot perform as warrantedherein, the
owner'ssole remedyshall be repair. In no
eventwill Krell beliable for incidentalor con-
sequential damagesarising from purchase, use, or inability to usethis product,evenif KrelPhasbeenadvisedof the possibility of such damages.
Thewarrantyfor this KrelPproductis valid only in the countryto whichthe productwas originally shipped, throughthe authorized
Krell distributor for that country,andat the factory. There maybe restrictions on or changesto Krell's warrantybecauseof reg- ulations within a specific country. Please checkwith your distributor for a complete understandingof the warrantyin your coun- try.
Freightto the factory is yourresponsibility. Return freight within the United States (U.S.A.) is includedin the warranty,if you havepurchasedyour Krell ®product outside the U.S.A.andwishto haveit servicedat the factory, all freight andassociatedchargesto
the factoryareyourresponsibility.Krell will payreturn freight to the
The operating voltage of this product is determinedat the factory and can only be changedby an authorizedKrell®distributor or at the factory. Thevoltagefor this product in the U.S.A. cannot be changedfor six monthsfrom the original purchasedate.
Any unauthorized voltage conversion, disassembly, componentreplacement, perforation of chassis, Updates, or modifications performedto the product will voidthe warranty.
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