You can receive, send, and erase messages. Check with your service provider for features available in your area.
•New, unread messages are stored in your Text InBox and are bold.
•Once you have read a message, you can save it to your Filed folder, erase it, or leave it in your Text InBox.
•Once you have sent or scheduled a message, it is stored in your Text OutBox.
•All of the following procedures start at the home screen unless otherwise indicated.
Retrieving messages
When a text message, page, or voicemail
is received, appears on your phone screen. To retrieve voice messages, see “To check voicemail” below. To retrieve text messages, see “To view text messages” on page 28.
To check voicemail
You can check your voicemail in any of the following ways.
•When you receive an alert, press to select Voice.
•Press and hold to call your voicemail number.
•Press 3
Select Menu 3 Messages 3 Voicemail,
and press .
To view text messages
You can view text messages in any of the following ways.
When you receive an alert, press to select Text.
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