LG Electronics RCT699H owner manual Checking Timer Recording Details, Canceling a Timer Recording

Models: RCT699H

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The [Rec. OK] on the [Check] field on the [Timer

Checking Timer Recording Details

Record List] menu indicates the timer recording

Programming can be checked whenever the

is programmed correctly.

Recorder is turned on.




[Rec. OK] – Indicates the Timer Record is in recordable condition.

[No Disc] – There is no disc in the disc tray.

[Invalid disc] – The inserted disc is not recordable.

[Unrecordable] – There is no space to record on the disc.

[Lack Space] – The space on the disc is insufficient.

[Duplicate Date] – The space on the disc is insufficient.

7.Press RETURN (x) to exit the [Timer Record List] menu.


yy You must insert a recordable disc.

yy The Timer indicator lights on the front panel display.

yy The Recorder will record the audio according to the current TV tuner setting. Use AUDIO to select the audio channel for analog channel to record before switching the Recorder to Standby mode.

yy For digital TV recording with multiple audio languages, set audio language from the [DTV Audio] in sub-menu of the Setup menu (see page 27).

yy The Recorder will automatically power off when the Timer Recording ends.

yy There is a short delay when a timer recording finishes to confirm the recorded program. If two timer recordings are set to record sequentially (one right after the other), the very beginning of the later program may not be recorded.

yy You must press Z(STOP) to stop the Timer Recording.

yy The Timer Recording function allows you to record up to 16 programs within a period of one month.

1.Press HOME (n) and the Home menu appears.

2.Select [RECORD] > [Timer Record] and press ENTER (b).

3.Use s/wto select a program.

4.Press ENTER (b) to edit the selected program. Timer Record menu appears.

Canceling a Timer Recording

You can clear a timer setting anytime before the recording actually starts.

Use s/wto select a program you want to erase on the [Timer Record List] menu, then press CLEAR and select [OK] then press ENTER (b).

Stopping a Timer Recording in Progress

After a timer recording has started, you can still cancel the program.

yy You can stop a timer recording in progress. Press Z (STOP) and the confirm message will appear. Press ENTER (b) to stop the recording or press RETURN (x) to continue the recording.

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LG Electronics RCT699H owner manual Checking Timer Recording Details, Canceling a Timer Recording