2.1.1 Call <Name or Number>
Say "Call" and then call someone simply by saying the phone number or name. Speak clearly and exactly as in your Contacts list. When you have more than one contact number, you can state the name and number type of the contact (for example, 'Call John Work').
2.1.2Send Msg to <Name or Number>
Say 'Send Message' and you will be prompted for the type of message. After choosing the message type, you will be prompted for the contact name, number or group to automatically start a message.
2.1.3 Go to <Menu>
The 'Go to' command allows you to access a menu within the phone (for example, 'Go to Calendar').
If no menu option is stated, a list of options will be provided.
2.1.4 Check <Item>
The "Check" command allows you to check out a wide range of items from the battery level, service mode, signal strength, GPS location, network status, volume, number of missed calls, voicemail, messages, to time and date.
2.1.5 Lookup <Name>
You can look up names in your Contacts (for example, 'Lookup John'):
Read out/ Create New/ Erase/ Modify
2.1.6 Play
The 'Play' command allows you to play songs by stating 'Play All Songs', 'Play Last song'. To play individual music file, say 'Play' and you will be prompted for the music title.
2.1.7 My Account
The "My Account" command gives you direct access to your Verizon Wireless account information.
2.1.8 Help
Provides a general guideline to using Voice Commands.