●Editing Video
1.With the To Field highlighted,
touch the Right Soft Key [Options].
2.Select the option(s) to customize.
Preview/ Save As Draft/ Remove
Video/ Priority Level/ Cancel
●Editing Name Card
1.With the To Field highlighted,
touch the Right Soft Key [Options].
2.Select the option(s) to customize.
Preview/ Save As Draft/ Add Slide/ Priority Level/ Remove Name Card/ Cancel Message
●Editing the Subject
1.With the To Field highlighted,
touch the Right Soft Key [Options].
2.Select the option(s) to customize.
Preview/ Save As Draft/ Add Quick Text/ Priority Level/ Cancel Message
3.Complete and then send or save the message.
2. Inbox
The phone alerts you in 3 ways when you receive a new message:
●By displaying a message notification on the screen.
●By sounding a sound or vibration, if set.
●By blinking (only when you get a high priority message).
Viewing Your Inbox
1.Press the OK Key [MENU].
2.Use the Navigation Wheel to scroll to MESSAGING, and press the OK Key

4.Options from here:
●Touch the Left Soft Key [Erase].
●Touch the Right Soft Key [Options].
Reply Replies to the origination address of the received message.
Forward Forwards a received message to other destination address(es).
Lock/Unlock Locks or unlocks the selected message. Locked messages cannot be deleted by the Erase Inbox and Erase All functions.