Valley Valley Valley
This program also combines the standard HILL workout profile with a Heart Rate Zone Tr aining workout. It
alternates between a hill, which brings the heart rate up to the target rat e*, and a valley, which brings the heart rate
down to 90 percent of the target. After a standard three-minute warm-up, the workout progresses toward the first
hill and heart rate goal. When the goal is reached, the hill continues for three minutes. Then, the goal switches to
90 percent of the target heart rate. When the users heart rate falls to that goa l, the valley continues for three
minutes. Then, the program switches back to the target heart rate goal. This p attern continues throughout the
duration. The users fitness level determines the number of hills and va lleys encountered. At the end of the
duration, the workout goes into a cool-down phase.
If the user does not reach a heart rate goal after five minutes, the MESSAG E CENTER displays a prompt to
increase or decrease speed, depending on whether the workout is in a hi ll or valley phase. The program does not
proceed to a new heart rate goal until the user reaches the current goal.
Valley Valley Va lle y
* Target Heart Rate (THR) is a percentage of the theoretical maximum. For example, a 40-year-old users
recommended THR for the HEART RATE INTERVAL workout is 144. The HEART RAT E INTERVAL workout
targets 80 percent of the maximum, so the equation would be (220-40)*.80=1 44.