Each column, as seen in the WORKOUT PROFILE WINDOW and the chart abov e, represents one interval. The
overall duration of the workout determines the length of each interval .
1 to 9 minutes: A workout with a duration of less than 10 minutes is insuf ficient for the Hill program to complete all
four phases adequately. The program, therefore, condenses a workout of this duration at various stages.
10 to 19 minutes: The interval durations initially are set at 30 seconds f or a 10-minute workout. For every minute
over 10, each interval increases by three seconds. A 15-minute workout c onsists of 20 intervals at 45 seconds
20 to 99 minutes: All intervals last 60 seconds. If the user adds minutes t o the pre-set duration while the workout is
in progress, the program adds hills and valleys that are identical to t he first eight intervals of the Interval Training
phase. This pattern repeats until the workout is completed.
The RANDOM program creates a terrain of hills and valleys that varies with each workout. More t han one million
different patterns are possible.
During a MANUAL workout, the program does not automatically change speed, incline, or time duration, as
selected by the user during the workout setup. The user can increase or lo wer these values, using the ARROW
In this incline-based workout, the gradual changes in elevation ar e extremely subtle, lowering perceived exertion.
The cardiovascular workout is effective, efficient, and enjoyable at the same time.
The program consists of one hill. The user determines the elevation of the peak during the setup. This peak is
reached after 75 percent of the workout is completed. Afterward, the incl ine gradually returns to zero percent.
NOTE: For workouts that are longer than 16 minutes, the level can be chan ged to any desired value. For workouts
that are shorter than 16 minutes, the the level selection is limited.
This program simulates outdoor conditions that a runner would exper ience. The baseline level is a 1.5-percent
grade, which simulates running on flat ground. A zero-percent grade s imulates running downhill. Inclines last
between 30 and 60 seconds.
This program simulates conditions that a runner would experience when tr aining for a 5-kilometer race. The
workout ends after the user completes 5 kilometers (3.1 miles).
This program simulates conditions that a runner would experience when tr aining for a 10-kilometer race. The
workout ends after the user completes 10 kilometers (6.2 miles).