Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 62 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM
The Flextone Design Team:
While it's true that the whole staff at Line 6 ends up making an important contribution to most every project that we do here, the following folks were most responsible for the main design effort on the Flextone:
Michel Doidic | Curtis Senffner |
Erik Von Ploennies | Kevin Duca |
Eric Brooking | Thien Phan |
Marcus Ryle | Grant Kraus |
| |
Patrick O'Connor |
| Albert Cox | |
| Jack Sonni |
| |
Greg Westall | Curtis Senffner | Jeff Slingluff | |
Curtis Taylor | George Van Wagner | Eric Brooking | |
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| Brian Swerdfeger | Zeke Zirngiebel |
*You must have an odd last name to be a Beta tester for Line 6. And it helps if you really want to be an engineer when you grow up as well....
Plus, we all took turns making the coffee and riffing.
Any similarities to other amplifiers is, of course, intended.
The Flextone Manual was brought to you by:
Writing, Drawing & General Mucking About | Writing of More Words & Brewing of More Coffee |
Patrick O’Connor | George Van Wagner |
Manual Design & Graphical Tweezing | And Yet More Text & Much Guitar Riffing |
Curtis Taylor | Greg Westall |
Marcus Ryle
Thanks for buying your Flextone. Hope you enjoy it. If you have any questions or comments, our diligent support staff can be contacted at (310)