Wireless-G Ethernet Bridge with 5-Port Switch
Access List
This screen is used to configure the access list settings between wireless and switch ports.
Access List Type - An Access List is a list of source MAC addresses. If a packet is coming from a wireless to a LAN port or vice versa, this device will check if the source MAC address of the packet matches any entry in this list. And use the match result to pass or drop this packet. However, packets from LAN port to LAN port will not be checked. If you click Disable, this will disable all access list functions. If you click Accept, only packets that match an entry on the list will be passed. All others will be dropped.
Click the Apply Global Setting button to save your global settings.
Block - Packets that matches an entry on the list will be dropped. All others will be passed.
Block List - The list of source MAC address that will be blocked when mode is Block.
To block a port, enter the MAC address in the New Block Entry field, and click the Add Block Entry button. To unblock the port, enter the MAC address in the New Block Entry field, and click the Delete Selected Entry button.
Pkt Count - the number of packets dropped with this blocked MAC address.
To accept a port, enter the MAC address in the New Accept Entry field, and click the Add Accept Entry button. To unaccept the port, enter the MAC address in the New Accept Entry field, and click the Delete Accept Entry button.
Accept List - The list of source mac address which will be accepted when the mode is Accept.
Pkt Count - The number of packets accepted with this Accept MAC address.
Accept Count - Counter for packets passing through this device when access list is enabled.
Drop Count - Counter for packets dropped by this device when access list is enabled.
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Chapter 7: Using the
Figure 7-21: Access List Tab
Access List