LR-42/44 Operating Instructions
4LED Sleep Mode
The receiver will shut off the channel indicator LEDs after a period of 10 seconds passes without any buttons being pressed. The receiver will still produce audio and the volume can still be adjusted, only the LEDs shut down. It will be necessary to “wake up” the receiver by tapping either the PWR or Select button before doing many of the operating tasks described in the next sections.
5Select Listening Channel
5A Auto-Seek Disabled (Default OFF)
Press the Select button to scroll through the four channels. If the channel indicator LED
ÁDVKHVIRXUWLPHVZKHQ6HOHFWLVSUHVVHGDQGWKHXQLWGRHVQRWFKDQJHFKDQQHOVLWLV locked on the current channel. See page 101 for channel lock information. Also, if the unit “skips” over the desired channel it is because that channel has been locked out. See page 102 for more information about the programmable features.
2 3 4
1 2 3 4
5B Auto-Seek Enabled
The unit will continuously seek for a signal until one is found and then it will stay on that channel. If the signal is not detected for a short time period, or the user presses the SEL but- ton, the unit will seek for another signal and will keep seeking until a signal is detected. If, however, the unit is locked on the current channel this lock will “override”