I believe my radiator has power but none of the LEDs on the front are on.
My radiator is not radiating a signal.
If there is no audio at the transmitter for 30 minutes, the radiator(s) will stop radiating to conserve the life of the radiator diodes. When the audio returns, the radiators will return to normal operation.
,WPD\EHQHFHVVDU\WRDGGDGGLWLRQDOUDGLDWRUVWRLQFUHDVHWKHFRYHUDJHDUHD.HHSLQPLQGWKDW one channel on one radiator will cover up to 10,000 ft2 (929 m2)and that this is cut in half for every additional channel used.
There is interference in my transmission.
In a
The audio “drops out” in areas I don’t believe it should.
$XGLR´GURSRXWVµFDQRFFXUIRUVHYHUDOUHDVRQVLQFOXGLQJWKHIROORZLQJ7KHV\VWHPZDVVHWXSE\ trial and error. With degradation of the IR diodes, the system now has dropouts due to this reduction in IR output power from the radiator. Make sure to always design the system using the
IRRWSULQWVSHFLÀFDWLRQVIRXQGLQWKHGHVLJQJXLGH$OVRLQDPXOWLUDGLDWRUDSSOLFDWLRQWKHGHOD\ switch settings may be incorrect. The radiators could be out of phase and therefore canceling each other out. Make sure to set up the delay compensation switch correctly, refer to page 16 for further information.
The audio sounds distorted in my receivers.
The receiver may be approaching the edge of the coverage pattern where the distortion and noise can be higher. Also, if the receiver is within 10 feet of the radiator it can cause the receiver to be saturated with IR. It is a good idea to have a minimum distance of 10 feet from any radiator.
I turn up the volume wheel all the way on my receiver but the audio level is still too low.
Make sure that the Input level and Transmit Level is adjusted appropriately on the transmitter.
Low batteries in the receiver will also cause low output volume.
There is a tone in the audio.
Make sure the test tone button on the transmitter is OFF. Also, make sure that two transmitters are not on the same channel in a
I cannot change the channel on my receiver.
,IZKHQ\RXDWWHPSWWRFKDQJHWKHFKDQQHOWKHFKDQQHOLQGLFDWRU/('RQO\ÁDVKHVEXWGRHVQRW change channel, the receiver is locked on the current channel. See page 101 for information on unlocking the unit.