It is important that SW2 on the rear of the radiator is switched to “compatibility mode.” This will allow the radiator to work with other manufacturers transmitters. See page 57 for more information.
Yes this is possible and often times it is recommended. You will need to order Listen part number LA-342. See page 77 for more information about the dual mounting bracket.
If a diode goes out, the radiator has been designed to minimize the impact on the rest of the LEDs. Worse case, 12 diodes out of 84 stop working.
Yes, you can disable the LED indicators if you desire to do so. Turn SW1 on the rear of the radiator to the OFF position. See page 56 for more information.
Refer to page 57 for detailed information about the LED indicators on the front of the LA-140 Radiator.
Up to two radiators can be powered using an LA-205 external power supply.
Up to two radiators can be powered using an LT-82. You must use an external power supply (LA-205) for more radiators.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q HowA many radiators can an LT-82 power?
Q HowA many radiators can an LA-205 power?
Q WhatA do the LEDs on the front of my radiator tell me?
Q CanA I turn off the LEDs on the front of my radiator and still have it function normally.
Q What is the life-span of the Listen LA-140 Radiator?
IRRWSULQWVSHFLÀFDWLRQSURYLGHGE\/LVWHQKDVDFFRXQWHGIRURIWKLVGHJUDGDWLRQZKLFKRFFXUV at approximately 8,000 hours. This is equivalent to three years of operating at eight hours per day.
Q If Aone of the LEDs on a radiator fails, how many LEDs will stop working?
Q If AI want to mount two radiators side by side can I do this and what part to I need to order?
Q I am using Non-Listen receivers with Listen LT-82 Transmitters,how do I know which channel to use? A 3OHDVHVHHWKH/7VSHFLÀFDWLRQVSDJHWRGHWHUPLQHWKHRSHUDWLQJIUHTXHQFLHVRQSDJH
Q I amA using a non-Listen transmitter with a Listen LA-140 radiator, what do I need to know?