Programmable Features Detailed Descriptions
Stereo Mode (Default is OFF)
Stereo Mode Function
This function must be set to match the type of signal that the receiver is receiving. If the receiver is receiving a mono signal this function must be OFF. If the receiver is receiving a stereo signal this function must be ON.
When to enable Stereo Mode
Stereo Mode must be enabled if the receiver is receiving a stereo signal from the transmitter.
Channel Lock-Out (Default is All Channels Available)
Channel Lock Out function
This function is used to lock out channels from being accessible to the user when the Select button is pressed or when the unit is seeking for a channel in
When to Lock Out Channels
If you have
XVLQJ$XWR6HHN0RGHDQGKDYHWZRFKDQQHOVDFWLYHFKDQQHOVRQHDQGIRXUDQGÀQGWKDWRIWHQWLPHV when the unit seeks for channel four is stops on channel three, you would use the Channel
Auto-Seek (Default is Off)
Auto-Seek function
DVLJQDOLVIRXQGWKHXQLWZLOOVWRSDQGVWD\RQWKDWFKDQQHO,IWKHXQLWGRHVQRWÀQGDVLJQDOLWZLOOFRQWLQXHWR seek until one is found. If the unit is on a channel with a signal it will remain on that channel until the signal is not detected for a short time at which point it will automatically seek for another channel with signal. If the Select button is pressed when the unit is on a channel it will seek for the next channel with a signal.
When to Enable Auto-Seek
It is recommended to enable the
If the receiver has been locked on a channel the lock will take priority over
Squelch Setting (Default is 3)
Squelch Setting
The purpose of squelch is to mute the audio output of the receiver when the signal from the radiator(s) is turned off or is too weak to be received. Without squelch you would hear radio noise in your earphone.
The squelch on your receiver can be adjusted so that it will mute at varying levels of signal strength. There are 16 settings that the squelch setting can be set to. The lowest squelch setting (no squelch) is “0” and the tightest squelch setting is “15.” The default setting is “3.”
When to Adjust Squelch Setting
For maximum range the squelch setting should be set to a low level (0, 1 or 2). However when setting the squelch level low the reliability of the squelch setting is compromised and will lead to radio noise being heard in the earphone when signal strength is low. If no radio noise is desired to be heard the squelch setting should be set to a tighter position. However when setting the squelch level high the receiver will have reduced range due to the audio being