Operation and Maintenance
9124-A2-LB20-00 March 2000

Table 5-2. Network and DSX-1 Interface LEDs

Label Indication Color What It Means
SIG Signal Green ON A recoverable signal is present on the
Network/DSX interface.
OFF The signal cannot be recovered from
the Network/DSX interface. An LOS
condition exists.
OOF Out of Frame Yellow ON At least one OOF was detected during
the sampling period.
OFF No OOFs were detected during the
sampling period.
ALM Alarm Yellow ON An alarm condition is present on the
network/DSX interface.
Current alarm conditions:
HAlarm Indication Signal (AIS)
HExcessive Error Rate (EER)
HLoss of Signal (LOS )
HLoss of Frame (LOF)
HOut of Frame (OOF)
HYellow Alarm Signal
OFF No alarm condition is present on the
Network/DSX interface.

Table 5-3. User Data Port LED

Label Indication Color What It Means
OK Operational
Status Green ON The interchange circuits for the port
are in the correct state to transmit and
receive data.
OFF The port is idle. Occurs if the port is
disabled, or if the port is configured to
monitor DTR and/or RTS and the
lead(s) is not asserted.