3-579124-A2-LB20-00 March 2000
Table 3-14. Telnet and FTP Session Options (3 of 3)
Disconnect Time (Minutes)
Possible Settings: 1 – 60
Default Setting: 10
Sets the amount of keyboard inactive time allowed before a user session is
Display Conditions – This option does not appear when Inactivity Timeout is disabled.
1 – 60 – Up to an hour can be set.
FTP Session
Possible Settings: Enable, Disable
Default Setting: Enable
Determines whether the system responds as a server when an FTP (file transfer
protocol) client on an interconnected IP network requests an FTP session. This option
must be enabled when downloading files.
Enable – Allows an FTP session between the system and an FTP client.
Disable – Does not allow FTP sessions.
FTP Login Required
Possible Settings: Enable, Disable
Default Setting: Disable
Specifies whether a login ID and password are required for an FTP session. If required,
the login used is the same login used for a menu-driven user interface session. This
option does not affect the TS Management Link.
Enable – User is prompted for a login ID and password.
Disable – No login is required for an FTP session.
FTP Max Receive Rate (kbps)
Possible Settings: 1 – 1536
Default Setting: 1536
Sets the maximum receive rate of file transfer to the system. This option allows new
software and configuration files to be downloaded using selected bandwidth without
interfering with normal operation. Using this option, new software and configuration files
can be downloaded quickly using the default settings, or at a slower rate over an
extended period of time by selecting a slower speed. Based upon TCP flow control, the
FTP server in the system throttles bandwidth to match this setting.
1 – 1536 – Sets the download line speed from 1 kilobits per second to the maximum
management speed.