3-339124-A2-LB20-00 March 2000
Frame Relay Network Time Slot Assignment Screen Example
main/config/tslot_assign/frame_relay 9124
Device Name: Node A 5/26/1999 23:32
Time Slot Discovery: Disable
N01 N02 N03 N04 N05 N06 N07 N08
Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available
N09 N10 N11 N12 N13 N14 N15 N16
Available Available FrameRly1 FrameRly1 FrameRly1 FrameRly1 FrameRly1 FrameRly1
N17 N118 N19 N20 N21 N22 N23 N24
FrameRly1 FrameRly1 FrameRly1 FrameRly1 FrameRly1 FrameRly1 FrameRly1 FrameRly1
Ctrl-a to access these functions, ESC for previous menu MainMenu Exit
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Value Meaning
Time Slot
Discovery Specifies whether the time slots used for frame relay traffic should
be discovered from the network interface upon detection of an LMI
failure. This option allows additional time slots to be added without
manually reconfiguring the device.
Ntt This field represents time slot tt of the selected network interface.
Assigned The time slot is already assigned to something other than frame
relay, so it is unavailable. Assigned time slots cannot be modified
from this screen.
Available The time slot is currently unassigned.
FrameRly1 The time slot is assigned to frame relay service, link 1.
For easy movement between screens, select the DSXAssign function key to go
directly to the DSX-1 to Network Assignments screen.
Time Slot Assignment Rule:
Valid network time slots are either Available or contain a frame relay link 1