Operation and Maintenance
5-18 9124-A2-LB20-00
March 2000

Table 5-8. Test Status Messages (2 of 2)

Message What It Indicates
LLB Active, [Network 1/DSX-1] A network Line Loopback (LLB) is active on the
specified interface.
Monitor Pttn Active, DLCI nnnn,
frame_relay_link1, 2 The unit is monitoring a test pattern on the
specified DLCI on the specified frame relay link.
Monitor Pttn Active, [Interface] A Monitor Pattern test is active on the specified
This test cannot be activated on user data ports
that have Port Use set to Frame Relay.
No Test Active No tests are currently running.
PLB Active, [Network 1/DSX-1] A Payload Loopback (PLB) is active on the
specified interface.
PVC Loopback Active, DLCI nnnn,
frame_relay_link1, 2 A PVC Loopback is active on the specified DLCI
on the frame relay link.
RLB Active, [Network 1/DSX-1] A network Repeater Loopback (RLB) is active on
the specified interface.
Send Pttn Active, DLCI nnnn,
frame_relay_link1, 2 The unit is monitoring the selected test pattern on
the specified DLCI for the interface.
Send Pttn Active, [Interface] A Send Pattern test is active on the specified
This test cannot be activated on user data ports
that have Port Use set to Frame Relay.
1nnnn indicates a DLCI number of 16 through 1007.
2frame relay link is one of the following:
Net1-FR1. The frame relay link specified for the network interface, Network 1.
Port-1. The frame relay link associated with the user data port.