

9124-A2-LB20-00 March 2000
Send Line Loopback
The remote Line Loopback (LLB) up and down codes are in-band codes that
allow control of a remote device. The LLB Up code invokes a line loopback in the
remote unit while the LLB Down code terminates the remote line loopback.
Network loopbacks are defined in AT&T TR 62411.
Main Menu Test Network Physical TestsSend Line Loopback
A remote LLB cannot be started when one of the following tests is active:
HAny Loopback on the same interface.
HSend FT1 Loopback or Data Channel Loopback on the synchronous
data port.
HData Channel Loopback on the frame relay link on this network interface.
To start and stop a Remote Line Loopback:
1. Follow this menu selection sequence:
Main Menu Test Network Physical Tests
2. Select the code Up or Down in the Send Line Loopback field.
Up Puts a remote device in loopback.
Down Takes the remote device out of loopback.
3. Highlight Send and press Enter to start the test. The code is sent for
10 seconds.
4. View the length of time that the test has been running in the Result column.