Magnadyne XV-DV424, XV-DV323, S-DV424, S-DV323 Viewing Jpeg discs, Using the Photo Browser

Models: S-DV424 XV-DV424 S-DV323 XV-DV323

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Viewing JPEG discs

2 Use the cursor buttons (

) to



When a file is highlighted, a thumbnail image is displayed.

When a folder is highlighted you can press ENTER to open the Photo Browser screen for that folder. See below for more on using the Photo Browser.

3To resume the slideshow from the highlighted file, press ENTER.

Using the Photo Browser

The Photo Browser displays nine thumbnail images at a time from the current folder.

1From the Disc Navigator screen,

highlight a folder to display then press


The Photo Browser screen opens with the first nine pictures displayed as thumbnails.



Photo Browser

2 / 40 Live at Soft































































































































2 Use the cursor buttons (


) to

highlight a thumbnail picture.



• Use the track skip buttons (


) to

see the previous / next page of thumbnails. Keep the button pressed if you want to skip several pages; release when you reach the page you want.

To return to the Disc Navigator screen, press RETURN.

3Press ENTER to display the selected thumbnail full size on screen.

The slideshow resumes from the selected picture.


Zooming the screen



Using the zoom feature you can magnify a part


of the screen by a factor of 2 or 4, while viewing


pictures from a JPEG disc.



1 During slideshow playback, use the


ZOOM button to select the zoom factor.


• Normal




• 2x



• 4x








Zoom 2x





Zoom 4x





• The slideshow is paused when the screen


is zoomed.



• Since JPEG pictures have a fixed




resolution, picture quality may deteriorate,


especially at 4x zoom. This is not a






2 Use the cursor buttons (

) to


change the zoomed area.



You can change the zoom factor and the zoomed area freely.

3To resume the slideshow, press (play).



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Magnadyne XV-DV424, XV-DV323, S-DV424, S-DV323 operating instructions Viewing Jpeg discs, Using the Photo Browser