Magnadyne S-DV424 Additional information Using and taking care of discs, DVD Video regions

Models: S-DV424 XV-DV424 S-DV323 XV-DV323

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Additional information

Using and taking care of discs

Titles, chapters and tracks

DVD discs are generally divided into one or more titles. Titles may be further subdivided into chapters.

Title 1

Title 2

Title 3

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Chapter 2

CDs and Video CD/Super VCDs are divided into tracks.

Track 1 Track 2 Track 3 Track 4 Track 5 Track 6

CD-ROMs contain folders and files. MP3 and WMA files are referred to as tracks. Folders may contain further folders.







Folder A



Folder B

Folder C


Track 1

Track 2

Track 3

Track 1

File 1

File 2

DVD Video regions

All DVD Video discs carry a region mark on the case somewhere that indicates which region(s) of the world the disc is compatible with. Your DVD system also has a region mark, which you can find on the rear panel. Discs from incompatible regions will not play in this player. Discs marked ALL will play in any player.


The diagram below shows the various DVD


regions of the world.




Handling discs


disc surface. Hold the disc by its edge or by the

When holding discs of any type, take care not


to leave fingerprints, dirt or scratches on the


center hole and edge.


Damaged or dirty discs can affect playback


the recorded side, scratches can still result in

performance. Take care also not to scratch the


label side of the disc. Although not as fragile as


a disc becoming unusable.


Should a disc become marked with



fingerprints, dust, etc., clean using a soft, dry


cloth, wiping the disc lightly from the center to


the outside edge as shown in the diagram




Wipe lightly from the center of the disc using straight strokes.

Don’t wipe the disc surface using circular strokes.



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Magnadyne S-DV424 Additional information Using and taking care of discs, Titles, chapters and tracks, DVD Video regions