Magnadyne S-DV424, XV-DV323, S-DV323, XV-DV424 Surround sound and other settings

Models: S-DV424 XV-DV424 S-DV323 XV-DV323

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Surround sound and other settings


DRC Off – No dynamic range adjustment (use when listening at higher volume)

DRC Mid – Mid setting

DRC High – Dynamic range is reduced (loud sounds are reduced in volume while quieter sounds are increased)


This setting works only with Dolby Digital and some DTS soundtracks. For other sources, you can create a similar effect using the Midnight mode (see Using Quiet and Midnight listening modes on page 27).

Dual mono setting

Specifies how dual mono encoded Dolby Digital or DTS soundtracks should be played. You can also use this setting to switch the audio channel on DVD-RW discs recorded with two separate soundtracks.

L-Ch1R-Ch2– Both channels are played through the front speakers

Ch1 Mono – Only channel 1 is played

Ch2 Mono – Only channel 2 is played


On the Ch1 Mono and Ch2 Mono settings the sound comes only from the center speaker (or from the front speakers if listening in STEREO mode).

This setting works only with dual mono encoded Dolby Digital or DTS soundtracks. See the disc packaging for channel information.

LFE attenuator setting

Dolby Digital and DTS audio sources include ultra-low bass tones. Set the LFE attenuator as needed to prevent the ultra-low bass from distorting the sound.

LFE ATT 0 – The LFE channel is played with no attenuation

LFE ATT 10 – LFE channel is attenuated by 10dB

LFE OFF – LFE channel is not played

SR+ control options for Pioneer plasma displays

You only need to make the following settings if you have connected a Pioneer plasma display to this unit using an SR+ cable (not supplied).

Note that in the function settings below, the number of video inputs may change depending on your display. See also Using this unit with a Pioneer plasma display on page 57.

Control mode setting

SR+ Off – Switches SR+ off (this unit and the plasma display work independently)

SR+ On – Switches SR+ on (this unit sends control signals to the plasma display)

The following settings are only available if the Control mode setting (above) is switched on.

Volume control setting

Vol C.Off – This unit does not control the volume of the plasma display

Vol C.On – When this unit is switched to an input that used the plasma display (DVD, for example), the volume on the plasma display is muted so only sound from this unit is heard.

Function setting for DVD input

DVD -> OFF/PDP1–5/PDPTV – Matches the DVD function of this unit with a numbered video input on the plasma display. For example, DVD -> PDP2 matches the DVD input with video input 2 on the plasma display.

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Magnadyne S-DV424, XV-DV323, S-DV323 Surround sound and other settings, SR+ control options for Pioneer plasma displays