Magnadyne XV-DV323, S-DV424, S-DV323, XV-DV424 Using random play, Select a random play option

Models: S-DV424 XV-DV424 S-DV323 XV-DV323

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05Playing discs


You can also use the REPEAT button on the remote to select a repeat play option. The repeat mode is indicated in the front panel display and on-screen. The repeat modes available are the same as when choosing from the Play Mode menu.

If you’ve created a program list, Program Repeat is also available.

During playback, you can cancel repeat play by pressing CLR.

Using random play

Use this function to play titles or chapters (DVD-Video) or tracks (CD, Video CD/Super VCD and WMA/MP3 discs) in a random order.

You can set the random play option when a disc is playing or stopped. However, you can't use random play together with program or repeat play.

You can’t use random play with VR format DVD-RW discs, or while a DVD disc menu is being displayed.

1During playback, press HOME MENU and select ‘Play Mode’.

2Select ‘Random’ from the list of functions on the left.

Play Mode


A-B Repeat

Random Title


Random Chapter


Random Off



Search Mode


3Select a random play option.

For DVD discs, select Random Title or Random Chapter, (or Random Off).

Play Mode


A-B Repeat

Random Title


Random Chapter


Random Off



Search Mode


For CDs and Video CD/Super VCDs, select On or Off to switch random play on or off.

For WMA/MP3 discs, select Random All (all folders) or Random Track (current folder only), (or Random Off).


Use the following controls during random play:


What it does


Stop and cancel random play.




Selects another track/chapter at


random from those remaining.




Returns to the beginning of the


current track/chapter. You can't


go back further than this.



You can also use the RANDOM button on the remote to select a random play mode. The random mode is indicated in the front panel display and on-screen. The random modes available are the same as when choosing from the Play Mode menu. Press ENTER to start random play.

To cancel random playback without stop- ping playback, press CLR. The disc will play to the end, then stop.



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Magnadyne XV-DV323, S-DV424, S-DV323, XV-DV424 operating instructions Using random play, Select a random play option