Menu System Mark Levinson
to do this is by using a test DVD such as Video Essentials, with your
DVD player connected through the Nº40 with all its video input
settings at their default values. For more information, contact your
dealer or visit http://www.videoessentials.com/ on the Internet.
Once your television is properly adjusted, you can probably leave
these adjustments alone in most cases. Their default settings will
work well with any properly adjusted video source component.
However, if you find that the picture from a particular source
component seems too dark, or somewhat washed out, or lacking in
some other way, making the adjustment here will allow you to
improve the appearance of that source without affecting any of the
White levelThe white level control is an input-specific version of the same
control (often called either “contrast” or “picture”) on your televi-
sion. It controls the level at which peak white is reproduced, up to
the maximum light output capability of your television. (Note that
trying to exceed this maximum light output level will only reduce
visible detail in bright scenes, and in extreme cases can actually
damage your television.)
The default value of 100 can be varied by as much as ±25 to accom-
modate source components that do not adhere precisely to industry
standards for video signal levels.
Leave this setting at 100 unless you find that there is a problem in
the brightest areas of the picture from this particular source. (If you
have the same problem for all sources, you should adjust your tele-
vision, rather than all the individual inputs of the Nº40.)
Black levelThe black level control is an input-specific version of the same
control (often called “brightness”) on your television. It controls
the level at which black is reproduced on your television. (Note that
trying to make the picture “blacker than black” by turning this
control down too far will only reduce visible detail in dark scenes.)
The default value of zero can be vari ed by as much as ±25 to accom-
modate source components that do not adhere precisely to industry
standards for video signal levels.
Leave this setting at zero unless you find that there is a problem in
the dark areas of the picture from this particular source. (If you
have the same problem for all sources, you should adjust your tele-
vision, rather than all the individual inputs of the Nº40.)