Menu System Mark Levinson
The name of your RZone can be up to twelve characters long (e.g.,
“Bedroom,” “Kitchen,” “Den,” or “Record”). We suggest use names
that will be obvious to all who use the system.
This name is entered with the keyboard window. To do so:
1. Select the name menu item
2. Press enter (or right arrow on the remote).
This displays the keyboard window. The current name is
displayed in the Name Line with a blinking cursor on the
currently active character. A keyboard with characters and oper-
ations to select is shown with one highlighted character
3. Rotate the zone knob and the input select knob (or use the up/
down arrows on the remote) to move the highlight to the
desired character or operation and press enter to select.
The selected character will be added to the Name Line at the
cursor, and the cursor will move one space to the right.
The following operations are available to complete editing the
insert Adds a space at the cursor position
del Deletes the current cursor position
clear Clears the entire Name Line
cap Toggles the characters between capital and small letters
save Saves the current Name Line and returns to the menu
quit Returns to the menu without saving the Name Line
––> Moves the cursor one space to the right
<–– Moves the cursor one space to the left.
4. Repeat steps 1 - 3 to fill in the name.
5. To end the editing session, use the save or quit operations. The
menu button also quits.
All installed RZones have the same options, and you will see menu
listings only for those RZones that are actually installed. We will
review only the menu for the first RZone, since the others would be
There are three possibilities for RZone type: