Menu System Mark Levinson
• Absolute On a scale of 0.0 (no sound) to 80.0 (extremely
• Relative On a scale which is measured “plus or minus,”
relative to the calibrated reference volume (estab-
lished during calibration).
As an example, if your calibrated reference level is 70, the display
would read 0 in the relative mode when it would read 70 in the
absolute mode. Most people find absolute more intuitive, while
some people find relative more informative. (For example, those
who have made many recordings, and are accustomed to VU meters
that read ± relative to a calibrated zero point, may prefer the
relative setting.)
Display Options The following discussion deals with the following questions
regarding the display:
• What should be displayed?
• When should it be displayed?
• Where should it be displayed?
LCD and monitor videoThe first of the “what should be displayed” information is the
selected video (when you have selected a source that includes
video). Both the built-in LCD display and the monitor output can
display the currently-selected video source at all times, if you like. If
so, select “Always on” from the menu.
If you find the video on the front panel (or on the monitor output)
distracting, you can turn this feature off and instead select “Preview
only.” When this has been selected, the built-in LCD display and
the monitor output will display live video only when in preview
mode, as discussed in Front Panel, Nº40 Video Processor. The rest of
the time, built-in LCD display and the monitor output will be dark.
MessagesThe next of the “what should be displayed” information pertains to
the messages and status alerts that the system is capable of
displaying as you use the product.
• Input name
To display the name of the input, whenever you select a new
To display the current volume setting whenever it changes.