Nº40 Media Console Getting Started
BGC (Boundary Gain Compensation)
If your chosen listening position results in most of the listeners
being close to the rear wall, the resulting bass level can be suffi-
ciently reinforced by the boundary that the overall sound quality
“booms” too much. THX Ultra2 provides the Boundary Gain
Compensation (BGC) feature to provide an improved bass balance.
THX Ultra2™
Before any home theater component can be THX Ultra2 certified, it
must incorporate all the features above and also pass a rigorous
series of quality and performance tests. Only then can a product
feature the THX Ultra2 logo, which is your guarantee that the
Home Theatre products you purchase will give you superb perfor-
mance for many years to come. THX Ultra2 requirements cover
every aspect of the product performance and operation, including
hundreds of parameters in both the digital and analog domain.
Movies which have been encoded in Dolby Digital, DTS, Dolby
ProLogic, Stereo and Mono can all benefit from activating the THX
mode. THX Cinema modes (including THX Surround EX) need not
be activated for music, movies that were made especially for televi-
sion, or shows such as sports programming, talk shows, etc. This is
because they were mixed in a small room environment.
No-compromise video You might think the foregoing discussion of audio performance
features would be a tough act to follow. In fact, in many respects we
are even more proud of our accomplishments in the Nº40 video
processor, because the entire system integrates powerful features in
a way that makes the system incredibly simple to use, by even the
most technology averse member of the family. Both the resident
videophile and the technology averse can enjoy the system equally
for what it offers.
High performance switcher
When operating as a switcher, the Nº40 offers performance compa-
rable to the finest professional switchers that you might find in
post-production houses in Hollywood.
The key here is the video crosspoint switch (the circuitry that
allows any input to be routed to any or all outputs simultaneously).
It has video frequency response in excess of 70 MHz, with a signal-
to-noise ratio better than 60 dB.
Three video backplanes
The Nº40 has three separate video “backplanes.” (A “backplane” is
the circuitry that the cards of the card cage plug into, that is respon-
sible for distributing all signals to wherever they have to go.)