Nº40 Media Console Getting Started
easy. You might have two defined inputs labeled “DVD-Film” and
“DVD-Music” that would automatically configure the system for
either music or movies, depending on the type of disc you put in
your DVD player.
Zone The standard configuration of the Nº40 is as a three zone system.
This means that you can have the signals from any connected
source component sent to any of three different “zones,” in any
combination. For example, you might have: the main theater zone;
a “Record” zone used for VCRs, cassette decks, and CD-R decks; and
a “Remote” zone used to enjoy music and/or films in another part
of the house. The Nº40 Media Console supports up to five
completely independent zones (additional “RZone” cards can be
ordered at additional cost from your Mark Levinson dealer).
If you w ant to chang e what is bei ng sen t to a r emote or rec ord zo ne,
turn the zone knob on the front panel of the video processor to
select the zone you want to change, and then turn the input select
knob to send the desired signal to that zone. The LCD display on
the video processor will show you what you are doing as you do it.
After a short delay, the display will revert to normal and the Nº40
will default back to controlling the main (theater) zone.
You can access zone control and status from the remote control by
the right arrow navigation key if no other menus are being
displayed. This will show you a list of zones with the main zone
being highlighted. Using the down arrow you can select the other
zones and their status will be displayed. Hitting the left arrow will
then bring you to the input select menu for the highlighted zone.
Preview You can “preview” a source without actually changing what is being
sent to any particular zone. This can be used to “cue up” a video
selection for some guests without their having to watch the cueing
process, or to assist in a simple video editing process.
To do so, press the preview button on the front panel of the video
processor. The LED indicator above the button will light up, and
the LCD display will switch to preview mode. Turning the input
select knob while in preview mode will have no effect on what is
being sent to the chosen zone. (Pressing preview while on a remote
or record zone “locks” you into preview mode on that zone to avoid
the timeout that would normally take place). Once you have found
the exact point in the video you want, pressing enter again will
extinguish the LED indicator and send the selected source to the
selected zone.