Nº40 Media Console Menu System
• Sound profile
To display the current sound profile whenever it changes.
• Surround mode
To display the current surround mode whenever it changes.
•Input signal
To display the current input signal, e.g., Dolby Digital, DTS,
etc., whenever it changes.
• Signal info
To display information on what is being done to the incoming
signal whenever it changes.
You can turn any or all of these messages on or off as you see fit.
Message timeThe “when should it be displayed” option is a matter of how long
you prefer to have any such messages displayed.
LCD and monitor textContinuing on the “where is information displayed” category, you
have two options for the type of information that is shown on the
built-in LCD display and the monitor output. They are as follows:
• Menus & Messages
Both full-fledged menus like the setup menu itself and the tran-
sitory messages as defined above will be displayed on the built-
in LCD display and the monitor output.
•Menus only
Messages will be suppressed from the built-in LCD display and
the monitor output, but menus will still be available.
Note that you cannot completely turn off the main menu system,
as having it available is critical to the proper functioning of the
Main textIn a similar vein, you have several options for the type of informa-
tion that is shown on the main output (your main video display).
They are as follows: