Rear Panel Operation Mark Levinson
delay to initialize and run some self-diagnostics, the Nº40 will be
ready for initial setup and use. Please wait until their standby LEDs
begin blinking together, indicating that the initialization and self-
test routines are complete and the system has entered standby.
The Nº40 is designed to be left in Standby when not in use, rather
than completely “off.” Being in Standby allows it to respond to
commands from the remote control and maintains a stable oper-
ating temperature at all times for optimal performance and
Warni ng The Mark Levinson Nº40 has been safety-tested and is designed
for operation with a three-conductor power cord. Do not defeat
the earth ground pin of the AC power cord.
Main S-Video Output The video signal that has been selected for the main zone will be
available in S-video form on this connector, regardless of the format
in which it entered the Nº40. Any transcoding (for example, from
composite video or from component video) is done automatically.
All the main video outputs on the Nº40 are active at all times.
Figure 3-7: Main S-Video Output. Connect this main S-video output to an appropriate display device
(or external video processor) as needed. For example, if you are
using the main component video output for a large projection tele-
vision system, but also have a direct-view television, you can
connect the main S-video output to your TV. That way, the selected
signal in the main zone of th e Nº40 will al ways be availa ble to both
your display devices. You can turn on whichever you please
without the need to reconfigure anything.
Main Composite
The video signal that has been selected for the main zone will be
available in composite video form on this RCA connector, regard-
less of the format in which it entered the Nº40. Any transcoding
(from S-video or from component video) is automatically done. All
the main video outputs on the Nº40 are active at all times.
Figure 3-8: Main composite output.. Connect this main composite output to an appropriate display
device (or external video processor) as needed.
For example, if you are using the main component video output for
a large projection television system, but also have an older direct-
view television for watching things like the nightly news, you can
connect this main composite output to your direct-view television.
That way, the selected signal in the main zone of the Nº40 will
always be available to both your display devices. You can turn on
whichever you please without the need to reconfigure anything.
Main Component
The video signal that has been selected for the main zone will
normally be available in component video (YPbPr) form on these
connectors, regardless of the format in which it entered the Nº40.
Any up-conversion (for example, from S-video or from component