Menu System Mark Levinson
the system will be to start at the top, and simply work your way
through. This is important, since selections you make early on
affect the options you are subsequently given. For example, how
you elect to use your auxiliary channels (aux 1 and aux 2) will alter
many menu items further on in the menu system that pertain to
adjusting and using those channels.
Navigating The Menus To access the menu system, press menu on either the front panel of
the video processor or on the remote control. This will bring up the
toolbars display (on the LCD display and on the monitor output,
and on your main video outputs as well, unless and until you turn
off the menus on the main video output), which is a list of up to six
different tools available at the push of the menu button. By default,
the first of these (which is always the setup menu) will be high-
lighted. Press enter to select it.
The Nº40 will generate the top level of the setup menu. Along the
left side of the screen you will see six icons, which correspond to:
• The Speakers Menu
• The Sound Profile Menu
• The Define Input Menu
• The Audio Defaults Menu
•The User Options Menu
• The Output Zones Menu
In the larger space to the right of this column of icons, you will see
the About… screen of information for your system. This informa-
tion is displayed whenever you first enter the setup menu.
What you see in front of you is the “top level” of the Nº40’s hierar-
chical m enu sy stem. I t is des igned t o help y ou find the con trols a nd
features you want, quickly and easily.
One way to think of this system is to liken it to the branches and
leaves of a tree: from the main tree trunk, you can follow any of
several big branches outward, turning onto smaller and smaller
branches, until you reach the end of a branch, which is a “leaf.”
Ultimately, it is at these “leaves” of the tree that all settings are
changed. The branches that lead to them serve only to help
organize the hundreds of leaves, so you can find the one you want,
when you want it.
In the setup menu, the “big branches” are represented by icons
denoting the major areas in the Nº40 that can be modified in some
way. These “big branches” split into smaller ones, and then smaller
ones again, until they end in a “leaf.” You always modify the value
of a particular setting at a “leaf.”