Nº40 Media Console Menu System
The About... ScreenThe first screen you see in the setup menu consists of a column of
icons (each of which represents a major area within the setup
menu) and a large field to the right of those icons that contains
certain information about your Mark Levinson Nº40.
We call this field of information the Nº40’s “About…” screen, since
it is similar to the “About…” boxes that you see on your computer,
describing whatever application you might be in at the time.
When you move to the right off any of the icons, the submenus of
the menu icon you have selected replace the “About…” screen.
The Nº40 Media Console has five major components in its software.
The Operating System (OS) software includes most of what you see
in the menus, as well as all of the software that responds to your
actions on either front panel or the remote control. In this regard, it
is much like the operating system of a computer. There is an OS
component for each component (Audio and Video).
The Digital Signal Processing (DSP) software includes a variety of
applications that are specific to particular tasks that need to be
performed, such as decoding Dolby Digital or DTS, or performing
THX Ultra2 post-processing. There are two blocks of DSP code used
in the Main Zone (A and B), and another block of DSP code used by
the RZone DSPs. Each of these software components is identified
with a version number. The Nº40 is modular in its software design
as well as in its hardware design, allowing it to add new capabilities
as time and technology move on. Your Mark Levinson dealer can
update your software to incorporate such new features or capabili-
ties as they become available.
System Locked/
The About… screen also indicates whether the setup of your Nº40
has been locked. Your dealer can lock the Nº40 system settings to
prevent accidental corruption of important system settings.
Personalization Your dealer can also create a brief personalization message on this
screen, which can be up to 256 characters long, and can occupy up
to six lines of text. This text area can be used by your dealer,
perhaps to identify the system as yours as a deterrence to would-be
thieves. For this reason, this field can not be edited from within the
Nº40 itself.