Menu System Mark Levinson
Dolby downmixThe last item in the RZone menu determines the type of Dolby
downmix you prefer in this zone when you elect to have a multi-
channel recording “mixed down” to only two channels. Your
choices are:
• Left/right audio
A normal, stereo signal in which information from the left side
of the room goes to the left speaker, and information from the
right side of the room goes to the right speaker. Center channel
information is split equally between both speakers so as to
create a “phantom” center channel image.
•Prologic (L
tRt) encoded
This terms refers to the “Left/total, Right/total” signal used by
Dolby Pro Logic decoders to create Left, Center, Right and
Surround channels. The same information is included but is
now encoded on the fly, in such a way that a Dolby Pro Logic
decoder can retrieve an approximation of the original multi-
channel recording.
The most common use for an LtRt downmix would be if you were
sending the signal to a remote zone or recording device that could
only accept two channels of information, but in which you wished
to retain as much of the multichannel information as possible.
Playing it back through a Dolby Pro Logic decoder will return you
to a multichannel experience, albeit a matrixed one rather than the
full, discrete signal with which you began.
On-screen textThis item determines the positioning of text messages on the video
display. You have six options:
• 4:3 Top
The first line of text is just below the top of a standard 4:3 tele-
vision screen, just inside the “safe picture area.”
•16:9 Top
The first line of text is just below the top of a wide screen 16:9
television screen when in its linear letterbox mode; this
amounts to a “safe picture area” for this application that
ensures you can read all the text, no matter how you set the
aspect ratio of your television.
The text is centered in the middle of the screen.