Using the RZones Mark Levinson
RZone User Interface The RZones can be controlled from the front panel of your Nº40,
from the main zone remote control, or from a remote IR input on
the video RZone card.
Front panel RZone interfaceThe zone knob controls which “zone” you are either monitoring or
controlling at any point in time. One turn of the zone knob will
call up an on-screen list of your zones (Main Zone and RZones)
with the names you give them in setup. The Main Zone will be
highlighted and its status shown with no change to operation of
the Nº40. If you perform no further action for several seconds, the
screen will time-out and return to its normal state.
A second click of the zone knob will highlight one of the RZones,
show its status, and temporarily switch the main zone to show the
video and audio of the selected RZone. While the RZone is high-
lighted, turning the input select knob will switch the input of that
If you would like to change or show status of the RZone without
affecting the Main Zone, press the preview button before using the
zone knob. This allows you to see the signal being sent to a
different zone without interrupting the music or movies playing in
the main room. The video from the selected RZone will then only
be shown on the front panel LCD screen. If you perform no further
action for several seconds, the screen will time-out and return to its
normal state, with
actions only affecting the main zone.
To change the volume on a variable volume RZone, turn the
volume knob while the RZone is highlighted.
The above operation (with the exception of preview) can be done
from the remote control on the Nº40. If no other menus are up, the
right navigation key will bring up the zone menu and the up/down
keys will then select the zones. While zones are highlighted, the
input key and the volume keys will operate on the selected Zone.
Remote IR RZone interfaceIf you need to control a particular zone from a remote location,
simply use an IR “repeater” to direct appropriate infrared
commands to the IR input on the video remote zone card for that
zone. Any commands received at that IR input will be interpreted as
being intended for that particular RZone, if appropriate. They will
not affect the main zone or the LCD screen at all and setup func-
tions are not available.