The Mark Levinson Nº40 Media Console is a remarkably powerful
and flexible control center for even the most advanced home enter-
tainment system. Products such as this appeal to “power users” who
demand the highest possible performance and functionality. Yet
they also appeal to people who simply enjoy owning fine products
in general, whether they be consumer electronics or fine automo-
biles. Beyond that, both groups often have other members of the
household who will use the system, who are not themselves enthu-
siasts for this sort of thing.
How to satisfy such a potentially diverse audience? The level of
sophistication required by power users might well intimidate a
more casual user, yet both groups are important.
In general in products such as these, there is a tradeoff between
three opposing factors:
• Functionality (does it do everything people might want it to
• Ease of use (is it simple and intuitive in day-to-day use?)
• Ease of setup (is it “plug and play” in the best sense?)
Most products are strong in only one of these areas. Truly excep-
tional products manage to give you two of the three.
With the Nº40, we are doing our best to give you as much of all
three as we possibly can. In cases where it is impossible to deliver all
three factors, we deliberately place somewhat more burden on the
initial setup, rather than compromising either of the other two.
After all, most of us set a system like this up once, but its function-
ality and ease of use come into play every day.
The Nº40 supports up to four distinct listening positions, twenty
sound profiles, and twenty different inputs. These capabilities (and
others) give you tremendous power to do what you want, but we
advise starting out slowly.
Unless you have spent quite a bit of time thinking about how you
will use the Nº40, use the default inputs and profiles we ship from
the factory as a starting point, adding only as much as you really
need at first.
It is possible to “go overboard” on creating special-purpose sound
profiles that rarely get used, and end up only adding clutter and
confusion to an otherwise clean user interface. Refrain from this.
Keep it simple, and use the system for some time.
Advanced Features7