2.Make sure the phone line is working properly. Replace the modem with a regular phone and dial the number. If the line sounds noisy, you may have difficulty connecting to the remote device.
Modem makes a connection but no data appears on your screen.
1.The remote system may be waiting to receive your data before it begins. Try pressing the ENTER key a few times.
2.Make sure the correct data format (data bits, stop bits, and parity bits) and flow control (RTS/CTS) method are being used.
3.Make sure the correct terminal emulation mode is being used (see communication software manual).
4.Make sure the modem is not sharing an IRQ or COM port with another device (see Section 2.4).
High pitch tone is heard whenever you answer the phone.
1.Make sure
Modem experiences errors while communicating with a remote modem.
1.Make sure the DTE speed is the same as the modem connec- tion speed when in Direct Mode (\N1 command in effect).
2.Make sure the remote system and your modem use the same communication parameters (i.e., baud rate, data bit length, parity, and stop bit).
3.Make sure RTS/CTS hardware flow control is enabled and XON/XOFF software flow control is disabled in the commu- nication software.
4.Make sure the data speed is not faster than your computer's capability. Most IBM compatibles are capable of 19,200 bps under DOS and Windows. Operating at higher speeds under Windows requires a faster CPU (386/486 or better).
Modem experiences bursts of errors or suddenly disconnects while communicating with a remote modem.
1.Make sure Call Waiting is turned off.
2.Make sure the phone line does not exhibit excess noise.
Modem exhibits poor voice record or playback.