When the erase process is complete, a window will appear with the message that the disk has unreadable.
6.For OS X: click Initialize...
The Apple Disk Utility will open.
To format your drive in OS X, see “Macintosh OS X” on page 22 in chapter 2.
For OS 9: To format your drive in OS 9, see “Macintosh OS 9” on page 13 in chapter 2.
Do not turn off your computer or your drive during the erase or formatting process.
Diagnostics and Tuning
Diagnostic Test
You can check the health of your drive and adjust its performance.
If you suspect there may be problems with your
Maxtor OneTouch II drive, you can run the diagnostic test:
Click Begin Test.
If the test finds your drive to be defective, it will display a Return Material Authorization (RMA) diagnostic code you will use to return your drive for repairs under warranty.
You can adjust the performance of your drive.
Tune for Maximum Performance: provides improved data throughput when data access patterns are random in nature.
Power Management Settings for OS X
1.Under the Apple menu, select System Preferences. The System Preferences window will open.
2.Click the Energy Saver icon (a light bulb).
The Energy Saver panel will open, and the Sleep settings should be displayed.
3.Make sure the checkbox for ‘Put the hard disk(s) to sleep when possible’ is checked.
Power Management Settings for OS 9
1.Under the Apple menu, select Control Panels. The Control Panels folder will open.
2.Find and open the Energy Saver control panel.
The Energy Saver window will open, and the Sleep Setup settings should be displayed.
3.Make sure the checkbox for ‘Separate timing for hard disk sleep’ is checked.