VirusScan® Enterprise software version 8.7i Installation Guide | |
| Locating installed files |
Resources folders
The resources folder name depends on the language being installed. For example, the English resources folder is named Res0900. These files are installed to the resources folder in the installation path:
mcshield.DLL strings.bin
The default location is:
<drive>:\Program Files\McAfee\VirusScan Enterprise\Res0900
Engine folder
The engine folder contains common files and those required to scan
avvclean.dat | avvnames.dat | avvscan.dat | config.dat |
license.dat | mcscan32.dll | messages.datt | signlic.Txt |
The default location is: <drive>:\Program Files\Common Files\McAfee\Engine
Engine folder\x64
The x64 folder contains files required to scan
config.dat_x64 | licenst.dat_x64 | mscan64a.dll | signlic.txt_x64 |
The default location is: <drive>:\Program Files\Common Files\McAfee\Engine\x64
System files
The list of installed system files depends on your operating system. For example, these files are installed to the System32 folder:
The default location is: <drive>:\Windows\System32\drivers