Bluetooth communication between the scanner and cradle must be
established before the VoyagerBT can be used for normal operation.
Dynamic Pair Function
Dynamic Pair Function refers to when a scanner has been paired or linked to a
specific cradle by scanning that cradle’s unique Bluetooth address code. The
unique address code is located directly on the body of the cradle, see figure
below. To established communication between the scanner and cradle:
1. Scan the Bluetooth address code located
on the cradle.
2. Wait 10 seconds.
3. If successful, the blue LED on the cradle
and the blue LED on the scanner will stop
blinking and stay continuously illuminated.
It is important to note that the MS9535 will only communicate with a cradle
whose Bluetooth address was the last address scanned. Once a cradle is paired
with the MS9535, another scanner can not be paired with that cradle until the
original connection is broken.
The following steps show how to change existing communication links between
two previously linked scanner/cradle pairs (#1 and #2).
1. Place scanner #2 into sleep mode by holding down the CodeGate button
for three (3) seconds.
The existing communication links between scanner #2 and cradle
#2 are temporarily broken.
2. Scan cradle #2’s Bluetooth address code with scanner #1.
The link between cradle #2 and scanner #2 is now permanently
3. Scanner #1 has now re-established a communication link with cradle #2.
Any attempt to scan a cradle’s bluetooth code when it is already linked to
an active scanner, not in sleep mode, will result in the scanner razzing to
indicate a communication link is not possible due to existing links.
Figure 11.