The scanner should be fully charged prior to being placed into service. Metrologic
recommends that Bluetooth communication between the scanner and the cradle
be established first before charging.
To charge the scanner, place the unit into the cradle. The amber LED on the
scanner will begin to flash indicating the charging process has begun.
For first time installations, leave the scanner in the cradle for a full 3 hours.
Please note that the amber LED on the scanner will stop flashing after 2.5 hours
but it is recommended that the scanner be left in the cradle for an additional 30
minutes to complete the initial 3 hour charge.
Once the initial 3 hour charge is complete, the battery will only require 2.5 hours
to come to a full charge when the unit gives a low power warning. A steady
amber LED on the scanner will indicate the completion of a full charge.
Low Battery Warning
The following items indicate the scanner battery is low and will need to be
z During operation, the scanner gives two beeps after a successful scan.
z The laser is not activated when a bar code is presented in the scanner’s
IR range and the scanner has automatically entered normal sleep mode
to reserve power.
z The CodeGate button is pressed, the laser comes on briefly but does
not stay on and the scanner has automatically entered normal sleep
mode to reserve power.
z The CodeGate button is pressed but the laser does not turn on.
Manufacturer’s Recommendation
If the scanner is not be used for a long period of time, it is recommended that the
unit be placed into normal or full sleep mode to save power.
z To enable normal sleep mode, scan the configuration bar codes in the
MetroSelect Single-Line Configuration Guide (MLPN 00-02544x).
z To enable full sleep mode, after the laser shuts off, depress the
CodeGate button and hold for 3 seconds, the scanner will give a long
beep and switch into full sleep mode.
To wake-up the scanner from either mode, depress the CodeGate button.
After an automatic reset, the scanner is ready for normal operation.