4.6.3 Slow synchronisation / SLOW
Various cameras feature slow flash synchronisation in certain modes. This setting will give added prominence to the background at lower ambient light levels. This is achieved by matching the shutter speed to the ambient light. Accordingly, shutter speeds that are slower than the camera’s sync speed are automatically adjusted by the camera. Some cameras automatically activate SLOW synchronisation in connection with certain camera programs (e.g. „Av“ aperture priority, night shots program, etc.). No settings are made on the mecablitz nor is there any display for this mode.
☞Use a tripod to avoid camera shake with slow shutter speeds!
5.mecablitz and camera functions
5.1 Flash readiness indication
The flash readiness symbol lights up on the mecablitz when the flash capa- citor is charged, thereby indicating that flashes can be fired for the next shot. Flash readiness is also transmitted to the camera for corresponding display in the viewfinder (see 5.3).
If a picture is shot before flash readiness is signalled in the camera’s view- finder, then the flash unit will not be triggered so that the exposure may be incorrect if the camera has changed over to flash sync speed in the meantime (see 5.2).
5.2 Automatic flash sync speed control
Depending upon the camera model and camera mode, the shutter speed is changed to flash sync speed when flash readiness is reached (see camera’s operating instructions).
Shutter speeds faster than the camera sync speed cannot be adjusted or they are automatically changed to the camera’s sync speed.
☞Various cameras have a sync speed range, e.g. 1/30th sec. to 1/125th sec. (see the camera’s operating instructions). The actual sync speed set by the camera depends upon the camera mode, the ambient light and the focal length of the lens used.
Shutter speeds slower than the flash sync speed can be set, depending upon the given camera model and the selected flash synchronisation (see also 4.6.2 and 4.6.3).
There is no automatic flash sync speed control with the digital cameras Dimage 5, 7 and 7i. These cameras permit flash shots to be taken at all shut- ter speeds. Shutter speeds faster than 1/125 sec. should not be used for shooting situations where full light output of the mecablitz is required.
5.3 Displays in the camera’s viewfinder or LCD monitor 5.3.1 Dynax / Maxxum
Symbols in viewfinder: | Meaning: |
Flash readiness indication:
Flash symbol lights constantly or flashes slowly: The mecablitz is ready for firing.
A flash is fired when the camera’s shutter release is pressed.
Correct exposure confirmation:
Symbol flashes rapidly after shooting:
The picture was correctly exposed.
Symbol flashes:
The existing shooting situation requires the use of flash.
☞The symbols indicated in your camera’s viewfinder may deviate from those given in the above table, since some symbols are only possible on specific cameras. For more details regarding viewfinder informa- tion please refer to the operating instructions of your camera.
5.3.2 Dimage 5, 7, 7i
The below symbols are only displayed in the camera’s LCD monitor when the shutter release is lightly touched for activation of the camera’s metering system. They are not displayed in playback mode (e.g. right after picture shooting).