Care symbols

Beforedr ying checkthe drying symbol
on the care label.If there are no
symbols,dry at your own risk!
s...............Donottumble dry

Tips on drying

Alwaysobserve the maximum
recommended loads givenin the
"Programmechart". Never overload
the drum.
Overloading can cause unnecessary
wear and tearto the laundr y,give a
disappointing drying result and
cause more creasing.
Do not put soaking wet itemsinto the
tumble dryer.Spin them thoroughly
afterwashing using the appropriate
spin speed.
Fordelicates and fabrics with the
followingcare label rselect Low
Use the Automaticprogramme for
drying mixed loads of cottonsand
minimum iron fabrics.
Open jacketsso that they can dry
Woollensand wool blends tend to
become mattedand shrink if dried in
a tumble dryer.They can, however,
be partially dried using the Woollens
handcare programme.
Down-filledgarments have linings
which havea tendency to shrink,
depending on the quality of the item.
Theycan be par tiallydried using the
Smoothing programme.
Purelinen should only be machine
dried if specified as suitableby the
manufactureron the care label, as
the surface of the fabricmay
otherwise become rough.They can
be partially dried using the
Smoothing programme.
Loopknit garments (e.g.T-shirts and
underwear) tend toshrink depending
on their quality.Do not over-dry these
textiles.Be particularly careful when
using the Hygiene programmes.
When purchasingthese garments it
is advisable to taketheir shrinkage
properties into account.
Forgarments made from very fine
weavefibres, such as shirts or
blouses,use the Shirtsprogramme to
avoidcreasing. If in doubt, reduce
the load or use the Smoothing
Starchedlaundr y can be dried in the
tumble dryer.To achieve the usual
finish,double the amount of starch
should be used.
New dark colouredgarments should
be washedand dried separately from
light coloured garments toavoid the
danger of colours running and
discolouring other garments or even
plastic components in the machine.
Dark colouredfibres can also settle
on light coloured garments and vice
Notes on laundry care