When you click the [OK] button after entering all necessary information, the entered information is displayed on the recorder list window.
When you click the [Cancel] button, all the entered information is deleted and registration is can- celed.
11.3.3 Edit - Available on the recorder list window of detailed type only
When you click the [Edit...] button on the recorder list window of detailed type while a desired digital recorder is being selected, the [Recorder Property] window (shown in Section 11.3.2) of the selected recorder will appear. You can change the information of the digital recorder using this window.
When you click the [OK] button after changing the information, the information of the recorder is displayed in the list as changed.
When you click the [Cancel] button, all the changes you are making are canceled and the informa- tion of the recorder remains unchanged.
11.3.4 Deletion - Available on the recorder list window of detailed type only
When you click the [Delete] button on the recorder list window of detailed type while a desired digital recorder is being selected, the following confirmation window as shown on the right will appear.
When you click the [OK] button, the information of the selected digital recorder is deleted. When you click the [Cancel] button, the information of the selected digital recorder remains un- changed.
11.4 Recorder list command
When you click the [Recorder list...] command in the [Network] menu, the recorder list window will appear. When digital recorders are registered in
For details of the recorder list window, please refer to Section 11.3 “Add recorder command” ( page 23).
11.5 Renew info command
By clicking the [Renew info] command in the [Network] menu, you can load and update various data. (The [Renew Info.] button on the main window works the same as this command.)
For the interval of automatic information renewal, please refer to Section 9.5 “Option command” ( page 20).
11.6 ALM Notification command
11.6.1 Setting
When you click the [ALM Notification...] command in the [Network] menu, the [Alarm Notification Setting] window will appear. You can make settings for receipt of alarm notification from the digital recorder.
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