RS-232 Interface 7 - 11
Data Bits
This parameter allows the digital scanner to interface with devices requiring a 7- bit or 8-bit ASCII protocol.
Hardware Handshaking
The dat a interface consist s of an RS-232 port desig ned to operate either with or withou t the hardware handshaking
lines Request to Send (RTS) and Clear to Send (CTS).
Disable S t andard RTS/CTS handsh aking to transmit scan data as it be comes available. Enable S ta ndard RTS/CTS
handshaking to tran sm it sca n da ta accord ing to the follo win g se qu en ce :
The digit al scanner reads the CTS line for activity. If CTS is asserted, the digital scanner waits up to the Host
Serial Response T ime-out for the host to de-assert the CTS line. If the CTS line is still asserted after the Host
Serial Response Time-out expires (default), the digital scanner sounds a transmit error and discards any
scanned data.
When the CTS line is de-asserted, the digital scanner asserts the RTS line and wait s up to the Host Serial
Response Time-out for the host to assert CTS. When the host asserts CTS, the digital scanner transmits
data. If the CTS line is still de-asserted after Host Serial Response Time-out expires (default), the digital
scanner sounds a transmission error and discards the data.
When data transmission complete s, the digital scanner de-asserts RTS 10 msec after sending the last
The host responds by de-asserting CTS. The digital scanner checks for a de-asserted CTS upon the next
data transmission.
During data tra nsmission, the CTS line should be asserted. If CTS is de-asserted for more than 50 ms between
characters, the digital scanner aborts transmission, sounds a transmission error, and discards the data.
If this communications sequen ce fa ils, the digit al sca nner issues an error in dication and disca rds the da t a. Rescan
the data.
If hardware handshaking and software handshaking are both enabled, hardware handshaking takes precedence.
NOTE The DTR signal is jumpered (set) to the acti ve state.