Digital Scanning 2 - 3

Short high-short low-short high-short low beeps Successful program exit with change in the parameter
Code 39 Buffering
High-low beeps New Code 39 data was entered into the buffer.
Three long high beeps Code 39 buffer is full.
Low-high-low beeps The Code 39 buffer was erased or there was an attempt
to clear or transmit an empty buffer.
Low-high beeps A successful transmission of buffered data.
Macro PDF
Two long low beeps File ID error. A bar code not in the current Macro PDF
sequence was scanned.
Three long low beeps Out of memory. There is not enough buffer space to
store the current Macro PDF symbol.
Four long low beeps Bad symbology. Scanned a 1D or 2D bar code in a
Macro PDF sequence, a duplicate Macro PDF label, a
label in an incorrect order, or trying to transmit an empty
or illegal Macro PDF field.
Five long low beeps Flushing Macro PDF buffer.
Fast warble beep Aborting Macro PDF sequence.
Low-high beeps Flushing an already empty Macro PDF buffer.
ADF Programming Normal Data Entry
High-low beeps Enter another digit. Add leading zeros to the front if
Low-low beeps Enter another alphabetic character or scan the
End of
bar code.
High-high beeps Enter another criterion or action, or scan the
Save Rule
bar code.
High-low-high-low beeps Rule saved. Rule entry mode exited.
High-low-low beeps All criteria or actions cleared for current rule, continue
entering r ule.
Low beep Delete last saved rule. The current rule is left intact.
Low-high-high beeps All rules have been deleted.
Short low-short high-short low-short high beeps Out of host ADF parameter storage space. Scan
Default Parameter on page 4-3
Table 2-1
Standard Beeper Definitions (Continued)
Beeper Sequence Indication