USB Interface 8 - 9
USB Keyboard FN1 Substitution
This option applies only to the USB HID Keyboard Emulation device. Enable this to replace any FN1 characters in
an EAN 128 bar code with a user-selecte d Ke y Category an d value. See FN1 Substitu tion Values on page 14-6 to
set the Key Category and Key Value.
Function Key Mapping
ASCII values under 32 normally transmit as control-key sequences (see Table 8-2 on page 8-11). Enable this
parameter to send the keys shown in bold in the table in place of the standard key mapping. Table entries that do
not have a bold entry rema in the same regardless of this parameter.
Enable USB Keyboard FN 1 Substitut ion
*Disable USB Keyboard FN 1 Substitution
*Disable Function Key Ma pping
Enable Function Key Mapping