Symbologies 13 - 31

Code 39 Buffering (Scan & Store)

This feature allows th e dig ital scanner to ac cumulate data from multiple Code 39 symbols.
Select Buffer Code 39 to temporarily buffer all Code 39 symbols with a leading space as a first character for later
transmission. The leading space is not buffered. Since this feature affects Code 39 only, for best performance
configure the digital scanner to decode the Code 39 symbology only.
Decoding a valid Code 39 symb ol with no leading sp ace transmit s in sequence all bu ffere d data in a first-in first-o ut
format, plus the “triggering” symbol. See the following pages for further details.
Select Do Not Buffer Code 39 to transmit all decoded Code 39 symbols imme diately withou t storing in the bu f fer.
While there is data in the transmission buffer, you cannot select Do Not Buffer Code 39. The buffer holds 200
bytes of information.
To disable Code 39 buffering when there is data in the transmission buffer, first force the buf fer transmission (see
Transmitting Buffer on page 13-3 2) or clear the buffer.
Buffering Data
To buffer data, enable Code 39 buffer ing and read a Code 39 symbol with a space immediately following the start
Unless the data overflows the transmission buffer, the digital scanner issues a low-high beep to indicate
successful decode and buffering. For ov erflow conditions, see Overfilling Transmission Buffer.
The digital scanner adds the decoded data excluding the leading space to the transmission buffer.
No transmission occurs.
Buffer Code 39
*Do Not Buffer Code 39