15 - 4 Symbol DS3478 Product Reference Guide

But, when there is a sale, send only the following:
24 (class key)
56712437 (stock key)
and the cashier enters the price manually.
To implement this, first enter an ADF rule that applies to the normal situation, such as:
Scan Rule Belongs to Set 1. When scanning a bar code of length 15, send the next 2 characters, send the
class key, send the next 8 characters, send the stock key, send the data that remains, send the Enter key.
The “sale” rule may look like this:
Scan Rule Belongs to Set 2. When scanning a bar code of length 15, send the next 2 characters, send the
class key, send the next 8 characters, send the stock key.
To switch between the two sets of rules, program a “switching rule” to specify what type of bar code to scan to
switch between rule sets. For example, in the case of the “sale” rule above, the rule programmer wants the cashier
to scan the bar code “M” before a sale. To do this, enter the rule as follows:
When scanning a bar code of length 1 tha t begins with “M”, select rule set number 1.
Program another rule to switch back:
When scanning a bar code of length 1 that begins with “N”, turn off rule set number 1.
Or include the switching back to normal rules in the “sale” rule:
When scanning a bar code of length 15, send the next 2 characters, send the class key, send the next 8
characters, send the stock key, turn off rule set 1.
For optimal results, scan the Disable All Rule Sets on page 15-10 after programming a rule belonging to an
alternate rule set.
In addition to enabling and disabling rule sets within the rules, enable or disable them by scanning the appropriate
bar codes on page 15-10.