Wand Emulation Interface 10 - 7

Convert All to Code 39

By default, the wand emulation interface sends data to the attached host in the decoded symbology. This can
present a prob le m fo r old er sy ste ms that do not re co gn ize som e newe r sym b olo gie s (fo r exam p le, GS1 DataBar).
Enable this pa rameter to ignore the decoded symbolo gy, and transmit the dat a as a Code 39 b ar code. L owercase
characters in the original data stream transmit as uppercase characters. This also allows ADF formatting.
If you enabled Ignore Unknown Characters, the digital scanner replaces characters that do no t have a
corresponding character in the Code 39 symbology with a space.
If you disabled Ignore Unknown Characters, and the digital scanner encounters characters that do not have a
corresponding Code 39 character, it emits an error beep and does not transmit data.
ADF Note: By default, the wand emulation interface does not allow scanned data to use ADF rules. Enabling this
parameter allows the scanned data to use ADF rules. See Chapter 15, Advanced Data Formatting.
Convert All to Code 39 for Wand Host
*Do Not Convert All to Code 39 for Wand Host