Chapter 14 Miscellaneous Scanner Options

This chapter includes bar codes to customize how data transmits to the host device. Also see each host chapter for
the appropri at e ho st co nn ec tio ns and hos t dev ice feat ur es for the digital scanner. See Chapter 13, Symbologies
and Chapter 15, Advance d Data Formatting for more options for customizing how data transmits to the host.
Before programming, follow the instructions in Chapter 1, Getting Started.
The digit al scanner ships with the settings shown in Table 14-1 (also see Appendix A, St andard Defau lt Parameters
for all host and miscellaneous scanner defaults). If the default values suit requirements, progra mming is not
necessary. Set feature values by scanning single bar codes or short bar code sequences.
Scanning Sequence Examples
In most cases, scan only one bar code to set a parameter value. Other parameters, such as Prefix Value, require
scanning several bar codes in sequence. See the parameter description for this procedure.
Errors While Scanning
Unless otherwise specified, if you make an error during a scanning sequence, re-scan the correct parameter.